Hello, I am Harvey, and I want to welcome you to my web site
I have been living with Ann and Peter since 1991, first of all at Blakenhall Rabbit Rescue then at Evandore Rabbit Sanctuary. When they decided to move to New Zealand in 2005 my ever growing family and I decided to go with them.
They bought a piece of land in Pirongia and decided to build me a house called Harvey’s Hideaway where all of my family can live happily with unlimited carrots and lettuces available.
Whilst in the UK we met up with a New Zealand rabbit called Tahiwaewae (One Foot) and he told us what a nice country NZ is to live in. He has decided to come and lodge with us at Harvey’s Hideaway to show us the ropes in this new land.
Please look at the other pages on the web site where members of the family will tell you more about how the house was built and the lovely village we live in.