Ann & Peter

in New Zealand

NZ Links 2014

Our travels

Kia Ora

We had a busy start to the month with Peter flat out setting up the NZBA Convention in Cambridge. This was organised by the NZBA rather than the Hamilton Bonsai club but Peter got roped in to help with the setup of the displays and sales tables. We both enjoyed the convention and managed to sell a fair amount of our stock of starter trees on the club sales table. We were also busy at home with guests staying from the Wednesday evening through to the Tuesday morning so the girls got some extra pampering.

Over the second weekend of the month we finally managed to mow the grass after getting the mower repaired. Ann has promised to try not to wreck it again.

Ann is back at work. The first week was exhausting for her but by week three the paperwork was up to date and the classroom organised – all in time for the school inspectors. The inspection seemed to go well and now we have to wait until July for the report.

We got half way through the month before we needed to light the wood burner for the first time and we've used it quite a bit since as we've had frosts. These frosty evenings mean Peter having to dash around putting frost cloths over the lime tree and several of the bonsai.

The girls are fine although Jaz is getting slower and she can’t see or hear as well as she used to. However this hasn’t stopped her enjoying her daily walks around the village.

Peter had a trip to Whakatane on the East coast for work. Part of the road runs alongside a long sandy beach with the railway line running between the road and the beach. Peter stopped for his lunchtime sandwich on the beach.
Just a reminder that we have the odd volcano or two around.
On the way back Peter passed this inspection train running towards Tauranga.
Whilst he was collecting the mower Peter saw a good wood chipper for sale in the shop. The owner gave us a good deal so we bought it ready for use on all the hedge prunings.

Ann has finished her physiotherapy hip class and 'graduated' - even gaining a certificate!

Ann's great-niece, Paige, made her a couple of looms. Lovely, aren't they!
Ann is now back sitting on a sofa - and the girls are very happy to have a choice of sofas to cuddle up on!

News from Home

Ann’s Dad had a wet shave as a treat for his birthday from Carol and David. He was very quiet when the cut throat razor was brought out!
He also had a cake in the shape of a football, and he was given a feather boa and a pink tiara.

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