Ann & Peter

in New Zealand

NZ Links 2011

Our travels

Kia Ora

March started off with Jaz snorting and sneezing. We thought she'd got something stuck up her nose but no - the vet diagnosed kennel cough - so antibiotics, anti-inflammatory tablets and no walkies for a week - oh dear! Ann had a hard time occupying her whilst Peter walked Maxie. The day we took her back out for a walk - she was SO excited you'd have sworn she'd been locked up somewhere small and dark for a year or more!!!

Ann went on a 2 day sensory curriculum course in Auckland. Well that was the plan but she developed excruciating toothache on the first day so off to the dentist she went - three visits, $800 and two weeks down the line she's now on antibiotics for an infection in her jaw. Plus she still has three more appointments to go to finish a root canal and crown replacement.

For Ann's birthday Peter tried to book a table at a new restaurant in Te Awamutu but when he phoned them they only had Chickpea Fritters as a vegetarian option, so we went for a curry at our favourite Indian restaurant instead. Ann was very daring and upped her mushroom curry to medium hot instead of her usual mild. Her birthday gifts from Peter and the girls included books and a special bonsai pot from Walsall ceramics.

It wasn't my fault says the Max - it was my big sister what dunnit!
Maxie found an old netball in the garden - we don't know where it came from but she loves it.
Jaz has played with the netball too - but only when Maxie is playing elsewhere.
Jaz gracefully leapt over the shrub on the right in the photo - then tripped over a piece of bark lying on the grass!

Peter has become decidedly out of love with Maxie lately. Each walk we take she does a poo - which Peter has to pick up (his dog - his poo). But these days she does 2 poo's on a walk!

Jaz, of course, does not do anything like that for Ann (unless she was unwell, which is totally understandable).

Some of our fruit trees are doing well. We are harvesting apples, pomegranates and kiwi fruit (all 5 of them)! Hopefully we'll have a lot more next season. We've also collected over a dozen pumpkins - so Ann's started making pumpkin soup again - which will keep us warm throughout the cold winter months.

Ann's tomato plant took over the shadehouse this year. This is ONE plant - 2m high and 3m wide.

It completely smothered the capsicums and basil we were trying to grow.


We celebrated the end of summer time at the end of March. Lighter mornings but becoming darker much earlier in the evenings. Still, Ann only has two weeks to go before she breaks up for the Term 1 holidays - yippee!

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