Ann & Peter

in New Zealand

NZ Links 2011

Our travels

Kia Ora Everyone

Ann has had to go to a specialist dentist – an endodontologist – as she’s had toothache for 6 weeks and her regular dentist has been unable to fix it. The specialist dentist was very good - although apparently she has unusual teeth. Although the tooth he worked on is a molar it's designed like a canine - and he found an extra half root and the roots were in the wrong places too. He said that only about 1% of the population have this design and they are almost exclusively Asian - not Caucasian. Ann is going to quiz her dad on their family history.

Peter flew down to Timaru in South Island to do a weeks work in Waimate. The plane from Wellington only carries 19 passengers.
On the hillside above Waimate is this smaller version of the White horse (or is it a sheep?)
Waimate is known for its Wallabies - these were brought over from Tasmania in 1870 and a few were released into the wild in 1874. Whilst walking round a park in the town centre one lunchtime Peter came across a group sunning themselves.
Rush hour in Waimate - busy isn't it? The noon bell had just rung in the clock tower as Peter went to find something to eat for lunch.
This sign in a shop doorway says it all!
As Peter had a couple of hours to spare before getting the flight back to Hamilton he wandered around Timaru for a while. This lighthouse overlooking Timaru was recently relocated here as its original site was falling into the sea - the only problem with the new site is that it cannot be seen from the sea because of the trees!
A bit worrying don't you think?

Whilst Peter was away Ann managed to take both dogs for their daily walks on her own. One night Ann had to give Maxie a really good growling for teasing Jaz. Well, Maxie spent the rest of the evening glued to Ann’s side (trying to make up to her)! Maxie was especially pleased when Peter came home - she does miss him when he's away. Jaz, of course, hardly realised that Peter had been missing - "What, you were away for a week - really?"

Ann's been on her Term 1 holidays (2 weeks) and still managed to do several days in school.

Half way through April we enjoyed a trip up to Auckland with other bonsai enthusiasts to see several collections in the north of the city. We had a great day, and managed not to spend any money on plants in the nursery on the way home!

Easter was very peaceful in Pirongia. Lots of people went away so the village was lovely and quiet. We spent three days working in the garden and one indoors as rain stopped 'play'.


Peter made a start on trimming the hedge with hand shears - only another 200m to go.
Jaz helped Peter to pose by our 'little' acacia tree that we planted when we first started building on the section. The tree is now four years old. Not bad growth for four years!
Maxie was too busy playing with her favourite ball to bother posing!
Whilst Peter was in work during the holidays Ann did the housework - she put the bean bags onto the deck to air on a nice sunny day - it took Jaz 30 seconds to find it.

News from Home

Jean and John have been looking after Dave and Ann's racing tortoise whilst they spent the Easter holiday in Turkey. He even managed to hide underneath the gas stove when they took their eyes off him for a few minutes.


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