Ann & Peter

in New Zealand

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Our travels

Haere Mai

Well it's been a month of things breaking. The garage door broke a few weeks ago - Ann's side of the garage - and it took two weeks and two visits to get it fixed. Then the computer broke and Peter's had to install a new hard drive. Next the mower decided to stop mowing - and with almost two acres of land we couldn't afford to have it out of action! It also took two trips to the repair shop to get fixed.

Finally, Peter disappeared to Wellington for 3 days on another IT course but he's not safe to be let out alone - he slipped on some wet pavement, banged his elbow and hurt his neck & shoulder. That was on the first morning of his course. By morning tea he'd also managed to break one of his teeth! The dentist loves him at the moment - his bill is well into four figures now!

Ann's school had an 'Art Extravaganza' show where the students showed off their art work and we had donations by local artists for an auction. Ann bid (and won) these two wonderful paintings of pukeko birds.

To see Ann's class doing their work click here

Bella came over for a visit. Although she's still only 10 months old she's full of energy and is fast ..... faster than Maxie at getting to the tennis balls - which Maxie didn't like very much at all! How dare another dog get to her balls before her! Still Maxie and Bella got on well together - which is good news as Bella is coming to stay for a few days over the new year whilst her owner, Cathy, has a break. Needless to say Jaz was totally unamused by their antics and refused to join in at all.
Three very obedient dogs - so long as the treats keep coming!
Ann set up some new computers for school - Maxie and Jaz were very interested in learning all about computers - perhaps they'll be able to help Peter at his work one day?

We planted a Corokia 'frosted chocolate' hedge down one side of the driveway - 50 plants over 40 metres. It may not look much at the moment - but give it a year or two and it'll be fantastic! Watch this space.

We also planted 3 maple trees at the gate.


We've been eating our own strawberries for weeks now - and Maxie is very interested in helping to pick them. As Peter moves around the strawberry beds she shuffles along too - watching intently to see if any are loose so she can snaffle them.

Ann is getting very excited - only 9 more days before she breaks up for the summer and Christmas. Mind you she has four teacher days at the end of January and ERO (inspectors) arriving in week three of Term 1 to look forward to.

News from Home

Michael had the pin removed from his arm last week - and very grown-up he was during the procedure.



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