Ann & Peter

in New Zealand

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Our travels

Tēnā koutou


A few weeks ago someone was flying a kite nearby, both Jaz and Maxie barked like mad at it so we decided to buy our own kite and try it out.

After a quick glance both dogs ignored it completely much to Ann's disgust!

We've had concrete laid in front of the new garage - we then had to wait for 4 weeks before we could drive on it and put the ute in the garage.
We've picked the paint colour for the inside of the sleepout and all we're waiting for now is a rainy weekend when Peter can't get out into the garden to work so he can paint the inside.
Four weeks after the concrete was poured we could finally put the ute into the garage.

Work continues in the garden with Peter cutting up more firewood and us putting up posts for the grapes and other vine fruit Ann wants. Peter also managed to work on some more bonsai staging.

Ann's birthday was a quiet one - especially as she forgot about it until Peter reminded her! Peter did take Ann out for a meal on the following Saturday - after Ann spent the day in school on a training day (one of up to 10 callback days that each school principal can use each year for teacher training).

Peter had to fly down to Waimate to see a new client (Waimate is ¾ of the way down the South Island). This involved a flight to Timaru via Wellington before a 45 minute drive south. Ann was not overly happy as this meant dinner was a cheese toastie.

This statue was on the edge of a park in the centre of Waimate town.

The hotel Peter stayed in was built in 1901 - and he reckons it hasn't been redecorated since. He had to share a shower with four sheep shearers, and breakfast was cooked or nothing!



Although Peter was only away for one night both dogs missed him especially Maxie. When he got back Maxie went mad for a few minutes, then sat and gazed adoringly at him for the next half hour!

News from Home

Alex and Michael visited the Butterfly Pavilion where they both got to hold Rosie the tarantula. Ann is quivering just looking at these photos!!!


Michael's new bike that he got for his birthday.



The snow arrived at Alex and Michael's place. They had two days off school and were able to go sledding. They also built a snow tunnel in the garden that they could crawl through.

Mark and a couple of his mates are following the Super 14 rugby between New Zealand, Australia and South Africa with enthusiasm - awesome Kiwi shirts!

Of course Mark's shirt is for the Chiefs - our local team

Lisa sent a gorgeous photo of Paige (Ann's great niece) - she's growing up fast!

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