Well it's certainly been a full month. The hospital phoned and booked Ann in for her new hip 11 days later (which is really fast)! Ann spent the next 10 days trying to get everything sorted at school for the relief teacher. As soon as she got to the hospital on the Tuesday Ann told everyone about her goal - to be out of hospital in 2 days. The doctors and nurses just laughed and shook their heads - until Ann informed them that that is exactly what happened last year! One doctor even told her she would probably be in for a week. Ann opted for the spinal anaesthetic again - and this time it worked. By the time she was in recovery she was sitting up (a little) and chatting with the nurses. Anyway by Thursday she was up, showered and dressed. The physio's and occupational therapists were all happy so she was discharged - and was home a full two hours quicker that her time last year - result!
Maxie really missed Ann and as soon as she was settled on the armchair Maxie very carefully climbed up for a cuddle. Since that first night Maxie has climbed up several more times too. Honey is very jealous and has tried to climb up but because she's bow legged she can't get her back paws on the chair (which is good really as she's such a fidgety bum). |
Peter was off for 10 days to look after Ann and he did a fantastic job - plus doing all the housework, washing and cooking.
As part of her post-op therapy, Ann started repotting some of the small Scots Pines we have growing on. She could repot three then have a little rest whilst Peter took the finished ones off the bench, cleared all the old soil from the tray and got the next three ready for her. |
Peter reorganised the family room for when Ann got out of hosptal - moving the low,soft sofa out and the much firmer armchair back in. However Honey found she liked Ann's chair - forcing Ann to behave like Nora Batty - having to use her broom to get Honey off! Honey also found she liked the new fleece throw on Ann's bed. |

Honey loves to 'help' - with putting Ann's surgical stockings or shoes on, putting her collar and dog tag on, tidying the floor, making the fire up. Peter seems to be constantly wrestling with Honey. |
We've had a few frosts overnight but the week after Ann was in hospital we had some very sunny days with clear skies. |
With the change around of furniture in the family room it's been a struggle for Peter to find somewhere to sit in the evenings, as there's usually a pair of hounds hogging the only sofa. One lunch time Peter was trying hard to sit back down on the sofa before Honey pinched his seat and unfortunately he sat on his jam scone instead! He ended up losing his seat after all as he had to change his pants. |
During the month we've carried on repotting bonsai, cutting the hedge and shredding the clippings and the regular mowing of the grass.
The cyclamen in the pots at the front of the house are looking pretty and add a lovely spot of colour. The rest of the garden is looking a little dreary although the camellias are starting the flower. We did manage to dig up our kumara (like a sweet potato) - almost 16kgs - not bad from 4 free plants. Ann will use the kumara in her soups, and sometimes we have kumara wedges for dinner. |