Ann & Peter

in New Zealand

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Our travels

Kia Ora

As the month has gone on we've seen the countryside growing greener and pinker with all the new leaves on the trees and the blossoms of the flowering cherry, magnolias, wisterias and fruit trees. The last week has been wonderful walking round the village as we frequently get hit with a waft of perfume from all the flowers.

We had a thunderstorm one Saturday, it started about 8 pm and lasted all through the night. When we got up the paddock was flooded by the gate. Despite that Peter still managed to mow everywhere by early afternoon as it dried up so quickly.

Peter and Maxie managed to improve their speed record on the main road into the village (see news from last month) by 1km up to 17 kph. Their goal is to achieve 20kph (with some training, lots of luck and a following wind)!

Our monthly bonsai meeting didn't go as planned. When we got to the hall a Church group had got there early and set up claiming they had booked the hall. As there were over 100 of them we didn't argue. Apparently during the winter months when we have our club meetings on a Sunday afternoon the church group meet each Wednesday evening. Now that spring has arrived we move back to our usual monthly Wednesday evenings. However the hall organiser contacted the club the following day to apologise saying that the church group should not have been there that evening - they knew that one Wednesday each month they would not be able to have the hall. So we'll see what happens next month.

We learned about a bonsai enthusiast importing a load of large bonsai pots - and although they are not top quality we ordered nine of the larger ones.

This is one that Peter chose for the huge redwood he picked up a couple of months ago - big isn't it.

Sam, the guy we ordered the pots from also wanted to buy some starter bonsai material so he came down to see us and bought 25 of our trees!!!!

Big pot
Pea Raider

On the 29th we had a visit from some of the members of the Bay of Plenty Bonsai Club. We went to visit them earlier this year so they decided to return the compliment.

The entertainment of the day was Maxie helping herself to peas from the large tub by the deck.


The Girls

September is time for the annual craft fair in the village but the weather was very unkind. High winds and heavy showers dampened everyone's spirits (and soaked many of the stallholder's crafts). We went early - 8.30am - and got a bit damp. Ann didn't find any artwork for the garden this year but she did get a scarf (purple of course), two bottles of wine and some fudge.

We saw a few bits of pea straw on the table outside on the deck and thought the wind had blown it over from the strawberry beds - then we watched a thrush with straw in its beak hop across the table, fly over the BBQ and up to the security light - where it has built a lovely nest.


Ann is a happy bunny as the end of the month meant the end of term 3 and the start of two weeks holiday for her - whilst poor Peter still has to go to work.

Thrush Nest


News from Home

David, Peter's brother, made him green with envy with his birthday present - brewing his own batch of beer at Saddler's Ales Windsor Castle pub.



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