Ann & Peter

in New Zealand

NZ Links 2012

Our travels

Kia Ora

Peter's spending a couple of hours each day looking for a new job - but Ann's keeping him busy for the rest of the time with lots and lots of gardening - mowing, weed eating, chopping wood, more wood and even more wood!!!

He's also put some wooden battens up around the raised strawberry beds so that we can net them properly and prevent both dogs and birds from helping themselves to a little snack when they feel like it.

We picked 15 more butternut pumpkins and have made several large batches of yummy soup.

Our grapes were growing fine until Peter noticed a Silvereye inside the netting. We thought it was trapped but it and its mate had been sneaking in and helping themselves to our grapes. Out of 20 bunches there were only a couple which did not have holes pecked in every grape.

For Ann's birthday Peter bought her a power tool for use on the bonsai and the girls gave her some books.


We also went to Churchills in Te Awamutu for a celebratory meal.

She was given this by one of the staff at school.
Ann went shopping for school stuff and ended up buying the girls pressies instead! Maxie always enjoys a good squeaky toy whilst Jaz prefers something soft and quiet!
After it was all over it was time for a nap.


News from Home

Peter's great nephew Kieran (makes Peter sound really old doesn't it?!) is now a fully certified RAF Dog Handler - well done!!!

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